2004 – Paul Olof Meinander, Finland

For developing a significant modification of the design of the paper machine that improves both the efficiency of the economic and the environmental performance. The new design is called the POM Wet End Concept. The Prize-winner developed the idea and then designed and built machinery that proved the concept. During paper making, fibres are fed to the machine in a water slurry in which the fibre component normally makes up less than one per cent. On the so called wet end of the paper machine by far the greatest part of the water is drained off and simultaneously the fibres form the paper sheet. The water thus removed contains a certain amount of fibres and fragments of fibres. It is brought back to the slurry system to be re used for the transportation of fibres. Consequently, very large amounts of water are circulated.

With the new POM-Technology applied the water flow is handled in another way than before which leads to a considerable reduction of the size of the wet end of paper machine systems. There are significant savings in capital costs and reduction of energy required for the process. Control of the process is improved and this improves the paper quality.

