Managing the Resources of the World’s Forests (1997)
Lectures given at the 1997 Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium held in Stockholm on October 14, 1997.
Introduction by the Chairman
Dr. Björn Hägglund, President Stora Forest AB, Falun, Sweden
Trees past, present and future – key to sustainability
Dr. Norman E. Johnson, Senior Vice President, Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma, WA, USA
Not by wood alone – how wood production can be consistent with social and environmental demands
Stephen Bass, Director, Forestry and Land Use, International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK
Recent status and further development of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory
Professor Erkki Tomppo, recipient of the 1997 Marcus Wallenberg Prize, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Practical use of the multi-source forest inventory system under Central European conditions
Dr. Franz-Albert Eisele, Head of Forest Sector, North Rhine-Wesphalia Ministry of Environment, Regional Planning and Agriculture, Germany
New methodologies to assess wood production and environmental status of the world’s forests
Professor Bo Ranneby, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden