Wood is Good (2000)
Lectures given at the 2000 Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium held in Stockholm on October 13, 2000.
Squaring the Circle: Meeting Global Demands for Solid Wood Products
Clark. S. Binkley, Hancock Timber Resource Group, Boston, USA
Engineered Performance for Timber Construction.
Robert H. Leicester, recipient of the 2000 Marcus Wallenberg Prize, CSIRO, Highett, Australia
Eco-Balance: A new method for the ecological evaluation of wooden products
Arno Frühwald, University of Hamburg, Germany
Timber Codes and Standards – Their Impact on Construction and Trade
Hans Jørgen Larsen, Danish Building Research Institute, Hørsholm, Denmark.
Advanced Wood Building Technology – A Challenge for the Future
Sven Thelandersson, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Tradition and Renewal in Wooden Architecture – A Finnish Architect’s View
Georg Grotenfelt, Helsinki, Finland